Kings of their own ocean: tuna, obsession, and the future of our seas Dutton books
Kings of their own ocean: tuna, obsession, and the future of our seas Dutton books
Kings of their own ocean: tuna, obsession, and the future of our seas Dutton books

Kings of their own ocean: tuna, obsession, and the future of our seas Dutton books

Ostatnia cena
87,76 zł

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Na obecną chwilę nie jest możliwe odnalezienie w sklepach Docero ofert dla towatu Kings of their own ocean: tuna, obsession, and the future of our seas Dutton books, który znajduje się w kategorii literatura obcojęzyczna. Ostatnio widziana cena to 87,76 zł i została skatalogowana w naszej bazie 03.01.2025. Zapraszamy serdecznie do ponownych odwiedzin naszej porównywarki w przyszłości.

Zobacz opis produktu
  • Cechy:
  • Literatura obcojęzyczna
  • 9780593471470
  • twarda
  • 336
  • 2023

Opis Kings of their own ocean: tuna, obsession, and the future of our seas Dutton books

**THE INSTANT INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER**Winner of the Evelyn Richardson Non-Fiction Award, the Margaret and John Savage First Book Award, and the 2024 Taste Canada Culinary Narrative Award Shortlisted for the 2024 Kobo Emerging Writer Prize and the Taste Canada Award for Culinary NarrativeThis is a tale of human obsession, one intrepid tuna, the dedicated fisherman who caught and set her free, the promises and limits of ocean science, and the big truth of how our insatiable appetite for bluefin transformed a cottage industry into a global dilemma.

In 2004, an enigmatic charter captain named Al Anderson caught and marked one Atlantic bluefin tuna off New England s coast with a plastic fish tag. Fourteen years later that fish dubbed Amelia for her ocean-spanning journeys died in a Mediterranean fish trap, sparking Karen Pinchin s riveting investigation into the marvels, struggles, and prehistoric legacy of this remarkable species.

Over his fishing career Al marked more than sixty thousand fish with plastic tags, an obsession that made him nearly as many enemies as it did friends. His quest landed him in the crossfire of an ongoing fight between a booming bluefin tuna industry and desperate conservation efforts, a conflict that is once again heating up as overfishing and climate change threaten the fish s fate.Kings of Their Own Ocean is an urgent investigation that combines science, business, crime, and environmental justice.

As Pinchin writes, as a global community, we are collectively only ever a few terrible choices away from wiping out any ocean species. Through her exclusive access and interdisciplinary, mesmerizing lens, readers will join her on boats and docks as she visits tuna hot spots and scientists from Portugal to Japan, New Jersey to Nova Scotia, and glimpse, as the author does, rays of dazzling hope for the future of our oceans.

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja Kings of their own ocean: tuna, obsession, and the future of our seas Dutton books
Kategoria Literatura obcojęzyczna
ISBN 9780593471470
Oprawa twarda
Ilość stron 336
Rok wydania 2023
Aktualnych ofert 0
Najniższa cena -
Najwyższa cena -
W bazie od 25.07.2024
Data aktualizacji 03.01.2025
Opinia użytkowników -
Nasza recenzja -
Rekomendacja sklepu -

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Ceny propozycji dla Kings of their own ocean: tuna, obsession, and the future of our seas Dutton books Dutton Books, które zostały przedstawione poniżej, nie zawierają ewentualnych kosztów przesyłki. Zanim wskażesz miejsce zakupu, zapoznaj się z oceną firmy i uwzględnij koszt wysyłki/dostawy. Katalog propozycji cenowych jest odświeżana raz na kilka - kilkanaście minut.

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