End of Sovereignty
End of Sovereignty
End of Sovereignty

End of Sovereignty

106,84 zł

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Przejrzeliśmy dużą ilość sklepów on-line w naszej bazie aby odnaleźć najlepszą ofertę specjalnie dla Ciebie. End of Sovereignty Polity Press z kategorii literatura obcojęzyczna kupisz w cenie 106,84 zł w sklepie Libristo.pl. Przedstawiona cena 106,84 zł nie zawiera ewentualnych kosztów wysyłki.

Zobacz wszystkie oferty ...
  • Cechy:
  • Literatura obcojęzyczna
  • Polity Press
  • 9781509544301
  • miękka
  • 220
  • 2022

Opis End of Sovereignty

This volume brings together Antonio Negri's critical writings on the nature and form of the modern state. The central theme that runs through these writings is the need to be done with the sovereign state - that is, with the particular form of political power that the capitalist organization of bourgeois society has imposed upon us. Negri seeks to show how the sovereign bourgeois state, built in the course of modernity, has now become a weapon in the hands of a declining ruling class, a class sometimes exhausted in its institutional expressions, and sometimes frenetic, zombie-like and parafascist.In arguing that the despotic power of the state should be abolished, Negri distances himself from some other thinkers on the Left who, erroneously in his view, have come to see the state as inevitable, instead of considering it as a place of power which, once conquered, should be transformed and ultimately dissolved as the central moment in the organization of force against living labour and free citizenship. In Negri's view, the call for the abolition of the state remains vital and active today as a concrete utopia that is expressed in every thought and act of liberation.The articles brought together in this volume range from Negri's analysis of the first great transformation of the capitalist state in the twentieth century, precipitated żeby the triumph of Keynesianism, to his more recent work on the transformation of the form of sovereignty from a figure of transcendent and local command to a dispositif of immanent and global control. As with the other volumes of Negri's essays, this volume will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in radical politics and in the key social and political struggles of our time.

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja End of Sovereignty
Kategoria Literatura obcojęzyczna
Marka Polity Press
ISBN 9781509544301
Oprawa miękka
Ilość stron 220
Rok wydania 2022
Aktualnych ofert 1
Najniższa cena 106,84 zł
Najwyższa cena 106,84 zł
W bazie od 26.05.2024
Data aktualizacji 04.07.2024
Opinia użytkowników -
Nasza recenzja -
Rekomendacja sklepu Libristo.pl

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  • End of Sovereignty (w sklepie Libristo.pl)

    End of Sovereignty Sklep on-line
    106,84 zł
    Kategoria w sklepie Libristo.pl: Literatura obcojęzyczna Polity Press

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