Never split tens! Springer
Never split tens! Springer
Never split tens! Springer

Never split tens! Springer

118,87 zł

Specjalna okazja dla Ciebie!

Najlepszą ofertę przygotował w cenie 118,87 zł

Przejrzeliśmy wiele sklepów internetowych w bazie aby odnaleźć najlepszą ofertę specjalnie dla Ciebie. Never split tens! Springer Springer z kategorii literatura obcojęzyczna kupisz w cenie 118,87 zł w sklepie Cena 118,87 zł nie zawiera ewentualnych kosztów wysyłki.

Zobacz wszystkie oferty ...
  • Cechy:
  • Literatura obcojęzyczna
  • 9783319634852
  • miękka
  • 288
  • 2017

Opis Never split tens! Springer

Renowned probability theorist Edward O. Thorp revolutionized the casino industry by developing card counting systems for the casino game of blackjack. Les Golden, the celebrated blackjack, roulette, and craps columnist for Bluff Europe,, iGaming Business, GamblingOnline, and Jackpots Review magazines, tells Thorp's incredible true story of lucrative applied probability with charm, wit, and humor.Whether you visit casinos for fun, dinner money, or a living, or whether you're simply interested in a story of romance and casino intrigue, this lively biographical novel will capture and delight you.Illustrations by the author. "I found the story tremendously entertaining, with a pantheon of compelling characters such as gambler Ed Thorp and bookie Manny Kimmel taking us from the casinos of Nevada to those of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Les Golden's novel is a triumph begging for adaptation to the screen." - LANA WOOD, Film and T.V. Producer, Actress ("Diamonds Are Forever") Best-selling Author, Natalie, a Memoir "Les Golden has an ever-increasing influence and burgeoning popularity. A significant name in the industry, the 'go to' man for strategy and anecdotal literary dexterity. I cannot acclaim his star highly enough." - JAMES MCKEOWN, Editor, iGaming Business Magazine and Magazine "Les Golden is a comedy genius. It really is as simple as that. An expert in the field, he makes getting educated not only painless but actually funny." - DAVE BLAND, Editor, Flush Magazine, British television pundit "I learn more about strategy through Les' writings than I do through many failed trips to Vegas. Always concise, easy-to-read, and intelligent." - JON YOUNG, Editor WPT (World Poker Tour) Magazine "Les Golden makes numbers hilarious. He's simply the funniest gaming strategy writer there is. His writing is 'rakish' and 'bond-esque.' " - PHILIP CONNELLER, Editor, Bluff Europe Magazine "The dialog crackles and the fictional elements brilliantly illuminate how cool Ed Thorp is. And there's just the right amount of blackjack and math. I love it." - AARON BROWN, Professional gambler, Wall Street risk manager Author, The Poker Face of Wall Street

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja Never split tens! Springer
Kategoria Literatura obcojęzyczna
ISBN 9783319634852
Oprawa miękka
Ilość stron 288
Rok wydania 2017
Aktualnych ofert 1
Najniższa cena 118,87 zł
Najwyższa cena 118,87 zł
W bazie od 02.01.2025
Data aktualizacji 03.01.2025
Opinia użytkowników -
Nasza recenzja -
Rekomendacja sklepu

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W cenach ofert dla Never split tens! Springer Springer, prezentowanych na poniższej liście, nie uwzględniono możliwych kosztów dostarczenia towaru. Zanim wskażesz miejsce zakupu, zapoznaj się z oceną firmy i uwzględnij koszt wysyłki/dostawy. Katalog sklepów jest okresowo aktualizowana co jakiś czas, około raz na kilka / kilkanaście minut.

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    118,87 zł
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