Blair Years
Blair Years
Blair Years

Blair Years

79,21 zł

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Najkorzystniejszą ofertę ma w cenie 79,21 zł

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Zobacz wszystkie oferty ...
  • Cechy:
  • Literatura obcojęzyczna
  • Cornerstone
  • 9780099514756
  • miękka
  • 832
  • 2008

Opis Blair Years

"The Blair Years" is the most compelling and revealing account of contemporary politics you will ever read. Taken from Alastair Campbell's daily diaries, it charts the rise of New Labour and the tumultuous years of Tony Blair's leadership, providing the first important record of a remarkable decade in our national life. Here are the defining events of our time, from Labour's new dawn to the war on terror, from the death of Diana to negotiations for peace in Northern Ireland, from Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq, through to the Hutton Inquiry of 2003, the year Campbell resigned his position at No 10. But above all here is Tony Blair up close and personal, taking the decisions that affected the lives of millions, under relentless and often hostile pressure. Often described as the second most powerful figure in Britain, Alastair Campbell is no stranger to controversy.Feared and admired in equal measure, hated by some, he was pivotal to the founding of New Labour and the sensational election victory of 1997. As Blair's press secretary, strategist and trusted confidant, Campbell spent more waking hours alongside the Prime Minister than anyone.His diaires - at times brutally frank, often funny, always compelling - take the reader right to the heart of government. "The Blair Years" is a story of politics in the raw, of progress and setback, of reputations made and destroyed, under the relentless scrutiny of a 24-hour media. Unflinchingly told, it covers the crises and scandals, the rows and resignations, the ups and downs of Britain's hothouse politics. But amid the big events are insights and observations that make this a remarkably human portrayal of some of the most powerful people in the world. There has never been so riveting a book about life at the very top, nor a more human book about politics, told by a man who saw it all.

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja Blair Years
Kategoria Literatura obcojęzyczna
Marka Cornerstone
ISBN 9780099514756
Oprawa miękka
Ilość stron 832
Rok wydania 2008
Aktualnych ofert 1
Najniższa cena 79,21 zł
Najwyższa cena 79,21 zł
W bazie od 10.03.2024
Data aktualizacji 07.07.2024
Opinia użytkowników -
Nasza recenzja -
Rekomendacja sklepu

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Ewentualne koszty dostawy dla Blair Years Cornerstone nie zostały uwzględnione w cenach prezentowanych poniżej ofert. Przed wytypowaniem miejsca, gdzie zrealizujesz zakup, zorientuj się w ocenie sklepu oraz dodaj do ceny możliwy koszt dostawy. Aktualizacja katalogu propozycji cenowych odbywa się co kilkanaście minut.

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    79,21 zł
    Kategoria w sklepie Literatura obcojęzyczna Cornerstone

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