2010 Reprint of 1924 Edition. In 1924 Spalding published this first and most important volume of Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East. It describes the travels to India and Tibet of a research party of eleven scientists in 1894. During their trip they claim to have made contact with "the Great Masters of the Himalayas", immortal beings with whom they lived and studied, gaining a fascinating insight into their lives and spiritual message. This close contact enabled them to witness many of the spiritual principles evinced by these Great Masters translated into their everyday lives, which could be described as 'miracles'. Such examples are walking on water, or manifesting bread to feed the hungry party.These books have remained consistently popular with spiritual seekers, those interested in the philosophy of the East and those who enjoy a good story because of their accessible nature and easy-to-follow format. However, despite most of the action taking place in India, the Great Masters make it clear that the greatest embodiment of the Enlightened state is that of the Christ (as personified żeby Jesus): "The Masters accept that Buddha represents the Way to Enlightenment, but they clearly set forth that Christ IS Enlightenment, or a state of consciousness for which we are all seeking - the Christ light of every individual; therefore, the light of every child born into the world."
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East (Volume One)
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45,66 zł
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Specyfikacja produktu
Specyfikacja Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East (Volume One) | |
Kategoria | Literatura obcojęzyczna |
ISBN | 9781578989454 |
Oprawa | miękka |
Ilość stron | 162 |
Rok wydania | 2010 |
Aktualnych ofert | 0 |
Najniższa cena | - |
Najwyższa cena | - |
W bazie od | 26.05.2024 |
Data aktualizacji | 03.01.2025 |
Opinia użytkowników | - |
Nasza recenzja | - |
Rekomendacja sklepu | - |
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Przepraszamy, obecnie nie ma dostępnych informacji z historią cen produktu Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East (Volume One).
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