Politics society AND the economy in contemporary poland an introduction
Politics society AND the economy in contemporary poland an introduction
Politics society AND the economy in contemporary poland an introduction

Politics society AND the economy in contemporary poland an introduction

15,75 zł

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Przeszukaliśmy dużą ilość internetowych sklepów w naszej bazie aby wyszukać świetną ofertę dla Ciebie. Politics society AND the economy in contemporary poland an introduction z kategorii pozostałe książki kupisz w cenie 15,75 zł w sklepie TaniaKsiazka.pl. Kwota 15,75 zł nie zawiera ewentualnych kosztów wysyłki.

Zobacz wszystkie oferty (2) ...
  • Cechy:
  • Pozostałe książki
  • 9788373838420
  • miękka
  • Dominika Kasprowicz
  • Scholar
  • 220
  • 2016

Opis Politics society AND the economy in contemporary poland an introduction

This book has been designed as a guide for foreigners studying in Poland. The preparation of such a book for this particular kind of recipient represents a much-needed and valuable initiative, as there are considered to be far too few publications of this kind. For this book offers in an understandable and digestible form basic information on the past and present of Poland, with particular emphasis put on the areas of policy, society and the economy. A volume designed in such a way can serve students of both the social sciences and other fields, as they seek a better understanding of the country in which they find themselves, within the framework of an academic exchange. It should be emphasized that all three parts here are on a high professional level, hence there is no doubt as to the presence here of specialists in the given fields, who have nevertheless made every effort to ensure that issues presented are accessible and understandable, as well as being carefully selected to ensure a good and wide-ranging outline of socio-political and economic issues in Poland. It thus remains for me to reemphasize the high professional level of this book, and the achievement it represents in and of itself, as well as in the way it meets a sore market need for an item of this kind.

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja Politics society AND the economy in contemporary poland an introduction
Kategoria Pozostałe książki
ISBN 9788373838420
Oprawa miękka
Autor Dominika Kasprowicz
Wydawnictwo Scholar
Ilość stron 220
Rok wydania 2016
Aktualnych ofert 2
Najniższa cena 15,75 zł
Najwyższa cena 28,27 zł
W bazie od 13.01.2017
Data aktualizacji 20.09.2024
Opinia użytkowników -
Nasza recenzja -
Rekomendacja sklepu TaniaKsiazka.pl

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  • Politics society AND the economy in contemporary poland an introduction (w sklepie TaniaKsiazka.pl)

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    15,75 zł
    Kategoria w sklepie TaniaKsiazka.pl: Pozostałe książki

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