Renaissance and baroque bronzes: Trustees of the wallace collection
Renaissance and baroque bronzes: Trustees of the wallace collection
Renaissance and baroque bronzes: Trustees of the wallace collection

Renaissance and baroque bronzes: Trustees of the wallace collection

Ostatnia cena
112,08 zł

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Na obecną chwilę produkt Renaissance and baroque bronzes: Trustees of the wallace collection pochodzący z działu książki militarne nie jest dostępny w żadnym monitorowanym sklepie w bazie Docero. Cena, po której był dostępny 112,08 zł została odnotowana 16.05.2024. Zapraszamy ponownie.

Zobacz opis produktu
  • Cechy:
  • Książki militarne
  • 9780900785481
  • miękka
  • 224
  • 2014

Opis Renaissance and baroque bronzes: Trustees of the wallace collection

The collection of Peter Marino, includes masterpieces żeby some of the greatest sculptors of their age, among them Ferdinando Tacca, Giovanni Battista Foggini, Robert Le Lorrain and Corneille van Cleve. This volume of contributions to the symposium held in June 2010 testifying to the importance of the Marino collection includes ten essays żeby distinguished scholars of sculpture. Charles Avery, author of major monographs on Giambologna and Bernini, discusses the impetus behind one of the most exciting models in the Marino Collection, a Hercules and Antaeus, after Maderno. Genevieve Bresc-Bautier, Director of the Sculpture Department in the Louvre, examines the discovery of a large number of small pieces of terracotta sculptures, thought to be from the workshop of Andre-Charles Boulle, which was destroyed in 1720. Anthea Brook, who has published extensively on the Tacca, considers the attribution of a pair of Florentine small bronze hunting groups in the Peter Marino collection, making the case for Damiano Cappelli - a bronze-casting specialist in the workshop of Ferdinando Tacca - to be considered as a sculptor capable of creating his own designs. Rosario Coppel investigates the impressive collection of small bronzes of the 3rd Duke of Alcala (1583 - 1637), who was Philip IV's extraordinary ambassador for Pope Urban VIII and later Viceroy and Captain General of Naples. Philippe Malgouyres, Curator of Bronzes, Ivories and Metals at the Louvre, discusses the bronze casts after Benini sculpture, a little studied subject in the wide field of berninian studies; Jennifer Montagu, Senior Fellow of the Warburg Institute, attempts to put together and define the oeuvre of the unknown sculptor of the magnificent 15-figure group of bronze hunters, their hounds, and a bull, in the Suermondt Ludwig Museum in Aachento; Independent scholar Regina Seelig Teuwen extolls Guillaume Berthelot as sculptor of small bronzes; Jeremy Warren, Collections and Academic Director at the Wallace Collection, discusses the challenges of cataloguing the Peter Marino collection for the 2010 exhibition. Dimitrios Zikos of the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence presents the extraordinary collection of bronzes and terracottas of Giuseppe and Ferdinando Borri. Eike Schmidt, James Ford Bell Curator of Decorative Arts and Sculpture at the Minneapolis Institute of Art, discusses the adaptation of two-dimensional models in Giovanni Battista Foggini's bronze sculpture.

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja Renaissance and baroque bronzes: Trustees of the wallace collection
Kategoria Książki militarne
ISBN 9780900785481
Oprawa miękka
Ilość stron 224
Rok wydania 2014
Aktualnych ofert 0
Najniższa cena -
Najwyższa cena -
W bazie od 06.06.2015
Data aktualizacji 16.05.2024
Opinia użytkowników -
Nasza recenzja -
Rekomendacja sklepu -

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Ceny ofert dla Renaissance and baroque bronzes: Trustees of the wallace collection Trustees of the Wallace Collection, które są przedstawione poniżej, nie zawierają potencjalnych kosztów przesyłki. Zanim wskażesz miejsce zakupu, zapoznaj się z oceną firmy i uwzględnij koszt wysyłki/dostawy. Odświeżanie listy sklepów z ofertami ma miejsce co kilkanaście minut.

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