Impossible. Defeat your ego. Live unbound - Dawid Piątkowski, AZ#BC1D4386AB/DL-wm/mp3
Impossible. Defeat your ego. Live unbound - Dawid Piątkowski, AZ#BC1D4386AB/DL-wm/mp3
Impossible. Defeat your ego. Live unbound - Dawid Piątkowski, AZ#BC1D4386AB/DL-wm/mp3
E-booki Wydawnictwo e-bookowo

Impossible. Defeat your ego. Live unbound - Dawid Piątkowski, AZ#BC1D4386AB/DL-wm/mp3

20,19 zł

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  • Cechy:
  • E-booki
  • Wydawnictwo e-bookowo
  • 9788365590008
  • Dawid Piątkowski
  • Wydawnictwo e-bookowo
  • 151
  • 2016

Opis Impossible. Defeat your ego. Live unbound - Dawid Piątkowski, AZ#BC1D4386AB/DL-wm/mp3

Because of desire to experience and explore what we really are capable of. — D. Piątkowski

Inside each one of us lies the incredible potential that gives us a gift of unlimited possibilities. Żeby discovering it, you will be on the horns of dilemma – who you would like to be and what you want to achieve. Is the inner voice whispering you that it’s impossible to have any chosen personality, and keep full control over emotions and create your future?

Live unbound.

Break the mould and defeat Ego consciously – self-destructive thoughts, emotions and habits. Aby winning with yourself you will understand that you can be whoever you want to. By changing yourself, you will change your future. Life can be an amazing adventure and it depends only on you if it is so. If you are ready to discover, and then reach the top – this book is tailored for you.

What is this book about? 

If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.
— Henry Ford  

The book you are holding in your hands is a multidimensional guide of personal and spiritual development. It tells about my journey to awakening and shows how to live the life of your dreams, in practice, not only in theory. It is an immensely personal story, however, I opened up despite Ego internal resistance. I believe it will help many people to solve problems and it will teach how to become a self-possessed person controlling emotions and as a result – the future. What can you learn and achieve aby taking over the control of your mind? Imagine that… 

1. You can choose any of the features of characters you know and – you can be self-confident, full of energy and motivated…
2. You do not send yourself mechanically into the negative emotional state – the end of stress, being sulky, lack of motivation and overwhelming problems.
3. You are happy regardless all of the experiences you have had, the circumstances and other people – you are the one who decides how to feel in every single moment.
4. Your relationship is just perfect – you have built it on values, and not on emotions.
5. You love your job, develop your passions and inborn talents. You achieve any objectives you set for yourself. You turn dreams into objectives and fulfill them one aby one. 

You can lead the horse to water but can’t make it drink.
— American Indian proverb 

Ego – an inner voice can whisper you that it is impossible to have a chosen personality and to be happy for ever. If you believe in negative thoughts – it will be impossible for you. However, if only curiosity and desire to change yourself for a better person wins – you can achieve it and become whichever personality you wish. Changing yourself you will change your future. Taking total control of your character, emotions and future, I guarantee that your life will change beyond the recognition.

Dawid Piątkowski

a visionary, a coach, a teacher, a motivator. The author of "The impossible" and "Obsession for Perfection", which have been translated into five languages. A prominent athlete himself – he has collected more than 20 medals in national tennis championships and has been victorious on national and international podium 150 times in his career. Driven by the desire to improve the quality of life in all possible aspects, he has created a unique method for multidimensional development and self-improvement. The impressive internal metamorphoses of his athletes (even after one session) have inspired him to write "The impossible", "Obsession for Perfection" and "Ego vs I", which he willingly shares with the rest of the world.

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja Impossible. Defeat your ego. Live unbound - Dawid Piątkowski, AZ#BC1D4386AB/DL-wm/mp3
Kategoria E-booki
Marka Wydawnictwo e-bookowo
ISBN 9788365590008
Autor Dawid Piątkowski
Wydawnictwo Wydawnictwo e-bookowo
Ilość stron 151
Rok wydania 2016
Aktualnych ofert 5
Najniższa cena 20,19 zł
Najwyższa cena 37,05 zł
W bazie od 29.03.2017
Data aktualizacji 16.09.2024
Opinia użytkowników -
Nasza recenzja -
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    Impossible. Defeat your ego. Live unbound - Dawid Piątkowski, AZ#BC1D4386AB/DL-wm/mp3 Sklep on-line
    20,19 zł
    Kategoria w sklepie E-booki Wydawnictwo e-bookowo

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