A Room of One's Own & The Voyage Out Virginia Woolf
A Room of One's Own & The Voyage Out Virginia Woolf
A Room of One's Own & The Voyage Out Virginia Woolf

A Room of One's Own & The Voyage Out Virginia Woolf

20,36 zł

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Przeszukaliśmy wiele e-sklepów w bazie danych aby wyszukać świetną ofertę dla Ciebie. A Room of One's Own & The Voyage Out Virginia Woolf z kategorii pozostałe książki kupisz w cenie 20,36 zł w sklepie TaniaKsiazka.pl. Pokazana kwota 20,36 zł nie zawiera ewentualnych kosztów wysyłki.

Zobacz wszystkie oferty ...
  • Cechy:
  • Pozostałe książki
  • 9781840226799
  • miękka
  • Virginia Woolf
  • Wordsworth
  • 468
  • 2012

Opis A Room of One's Own & The Voyage Out Virginia Woolf

A Room of One's Own (1929) has become a classic feminist essay and perhaps Virginia Woolf's best known work; The Voyage Out (1915) is highly significant as her first novel. Both focus on the place of women within the power structures of modern society.The essay lays bare the woman artist's struggle for a voice, since throughout history she has been denied the social and economic independence assumed żeby men.

Woolf's prescription is clear: if a woman is to find creative expression equal to a man's, she must have an independent income, and a room of her own. This is both an acute analysis and a spirited rallying cry; it remains surprisingly resonant and relevant in the 21st century.The novel explores these issues more personally, through the character of Rachel Vinrace, a young woman whose?voyage out? to South America opens up powerful encounters with her fellow-travellers, men and women.

As she begins to understand her place in the world, she finds the happiness of love, but also sees its brute power. Woolf has a sharp eye for the comedy of English manners in a foreign milieu; but the final undertow of the novel is tragic as, in some of her finest writing, she calls up the essential isolation of the human spirit.

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja A Room of One's Own & The Voyage Out Virginia Woolf
Kategoria Pozostałe książki
ISBN 9781840226799
Oprawa miękka
Autor Virginia Woolf
Wydawnictwo Wordsworth
Ilość stron 468
Rok wydania 2012
Aktualnych ofert 1
Najniższa cena 20,36 zł
Najwyższa cena 20,36 zł
W bazie od 21.02.2019
Data aktualizacji 17.01.2025
Opinia użytkowników -
Nasza recenzja -
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    Kategoria w sklepie TaniaKsiazka.pl: Pozostałe książki

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