"Praca poświęcona jest roli pamięci w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Podstawą refleksji na ten temat pozostaje Holokaust, a w pewnym zakresie na dodatek inne zbrodnie o charakterze czystek etnicznych i ludobójstwa XX wieku. Książka porusza także takie zagadnienia, jak: pojednanie i sposoby jego realizacji, rola wspomnień historycznych, problematyka migrantów żyjących pomiędzy starą a nową ojczyzną.
Collective memory, reconciliation and international relations
The book is devoted to the role of memory in international relations. The point of departure for this reflection is the Holocaust, and to some extent also other crimes resembling ethnic cleansing and 20th-century homicide. The book concerns also other topics, such as reconciliation and ways of achieving it, the role of historical memories, the issues of migrants living between the old and the new homeland."
Collective memory, reconciliation and international relations
The book is devoted to the role of memory in international relations. The point of departure for this reflection is the Holocaust, and to some extent also other crimes resembling ethnic cleansing and 20th-century homicide. The book concerns also other topics, such as reconciliation and ways of achieving it, the role of historical memories, the issues of migrants living between the old and the new homeland."