Seven Pillars of Wisdom Lawrence Thomas Edward
Seven Pillars of Wisdom Lawrence Thomas Edward
Seven Pillars of Wisdom Lawrence Thomas Edward

Seven Pillars of Wisdom Lawrence Thomas Edward

24,02 zł

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  • Cechy:
  • Pozostałe książki
  • 9781853264696

Opis Seven Pillars of Wisdom Lawrence Thomas Edward

As Angus Calder states in his introduction to this edition, 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom is one of the major statements about the fighting experience of the First World War'. Lawrence's younger brothers, Frank and Will, had been killed on the Western Front in 1915.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom, written between 1919 and 1926, tells of the vastly different campaign against the Turks in the Middle East - one which encompasses gross acts of cruelty and revenge and ends in a welter of stink and corpses in the disgusting 'hospital' in Damascus.Seven Pillars of Wisdom is no Boys Own Paper tale of Imperial triumph, but a complex work of high literary aspiration which stands in the tradition of Melville and Dostoevsky, and alongside the writings of Yeats, Eliot and Joyce.

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja Seven Pillars of Wisdom Lawrence Thomas Edward
Kategoria Pozostałe książki
ISBN 9781853264696
Aktualnych ofert 1
Najniższa cena 24,02 zł
Najwyższa cena 24,02 zł
W bazie od 06.09.2019
Data aktualizacji 11.01.2025
Opinia użytkowników -
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