The Dragon under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version
The Dragon under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version
The Dragon under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version
Audiobooki PWH Siedmioróg

The Dragon under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version

6,15 zł

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Przejrzeliśmy dużą ilość sklepów online w systemie Docero aby odszukać świetną ofertę specjalnie dla Ciebie. The Dragon under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version PWH Siedmioróg z kategorii audiobooki kupisz w cenie 6,15 zł w sklepie Przedstawiona cena 6,15 zł nie zawiera ewentualnych kosztów wysyłki.

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  • Cechy:
  • Audiobooki
  • PWH Siedmioróg
  • 9781623210045
  • Alex Fonteyn
  • Siedmioróg
  • 2012

Opis The Dragon under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version

Adapted from the classic Polish tale, The Dragon under the Hill tells the story of an ancient principality and its inhabitants’ struggle with an uninvited and extremely unwelcome guest!

An evil fire breathing dragon decides to settle in the principality of Prince Krakus, pillaging and plundering the country! Even the prince’s knights encounter much more than they bargained for when they try to defeat the dragon. But that is not all! Worse is to come when the dragon decides that the prince’s daughter, Princess Anna, would make a very tasty meal. But help is at hand! A simple shoemaker named Jacob has a plan. He believes that the key to defeating the dragon lies not in force, but in being clever and brave. Prince Krakus is at his wit’s end and permits Jacob to implement a simple, yet daring and clever scheme.
This classic story is at once exciting and educational, demonstrating that there is more than just one way to defeat an enemy. Intelligence and brains can be just as effective as fighting and brawn.

bezpłatny fragment:

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja The Dragon under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version
Kategoria Audiobooki
Marka PWH Siedmioróg
ISBN 9781623210045
Autor Alex Fonteyn
Wydawnictwo Siedmioróg
Rok wydania 2012
Aktualnych ofert 2
Najniższa cena 6,15 zł
Najwyższa cena 6,49 zł
W bazie od 29.03.2017
Data aktualizacji 20.05.2024
Opinia użytkowników -
Nasza recenzja -
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  • The Dragon under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version (w sklepie

    The Dragon under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version Sklep on-line
    6,49 zł
    Kategoria w sklepie Audiobooki PWH Siedmioróg

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