Salespedia - sales revelation Tg training
Salespedia - sales revelation Tg training
Salespedia - sales revelation Tg training
Audiobooki TG TRAINING

Salespedia - sales revelation Tg training

47,50 zł

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  • Cechy:
  • Audiobooki
  • 9788396036827
  • Thomas J. Gralak

Opis Salespedia - sales revelation Tg training

Whether you sell Nintendo, notebooks, Ps4, Airpods, Tablets, Headphones, iPhone, Game of Thrones costumes and makeup, Lego, Fitbit and switches, TVs, Harry Potter spells and attire, Airplanes, Companies, Businesses, Real estate or any other possible thing; you fall under the category of a salesperson.

Not only that, any profession you can possibly dream of, that too is under the category of a salesperson. So, when people close a call thinking of the robotic voice on the other end as just some distant relative of Alexa, they forget that they too are a salesperson at their place.

What does this mean? It means we are all born and raised sellers always trying to sell ourselves. That's right! But very few would want to associate with the term "Salesperson". Why? Because of the deception this industry offers.

That is just too much for people to endorse it and carry the emblem on salesperson with them. But you have to be empathetic with these distraught people around you. Salespersons are also humans just like any other possible two-legged walking being, right? What they are doing wrong is not their fault but the industry's and the fake gurus to which they are regularly exposed to.

Running away from the problem is never the solution; It is always facing it head-on. So, in this book, we have provided you with all the tools you need to become an amazing seller, closer, communicator and so much more without being FAKE!

We have compiled totally unique information for you to go through and discover the secrets of sales, and how marketers use these deceptive tricks to lure in customers. We will show you the spiritual presence in sales, the ethical need of time, and so much more you are not being taught in these lucrative yet depressive training sessions.

After reading this book, you will not just be a normal salesperson. You will have an edge over others because of the way you will look at sales. Our decades of experience has been wrapped in these two-folds, and it will help you reach levels higher than you are right now.

Hence, we want you to take amazing advantage of this information as this is much better than paying thousands of dollars to fake trainers and speakers who do not teach you anything, and just like being praised about their own achievements.

Let us bring you the secrets of a successful sales career... ★Welcome to Salespedia; A Sales Revelation.★

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja Salespedia - sales revelation Tg training
Kategoria Audiobooki
ISBN 9788396036827
Autor Thomas J. Gralak
Wydawnictwo TG TRAINING
Aktualnych ofert 1
Najniższa cena 47,50 zł
Najwyższa cena 47,50 zł
W bazie od 21.03.2021
Data aktualizacji 15.01.2025
Opinia użytkowników -
Nasza recenzja -
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    47,50 zł
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