Word order tendencies in mediaeval english against the indo-european background
Word order tendencies in mediaeval english against the indo-european background
Word order tendencies in mediaeval english against the indo-european background
Audiobooki Uniwersytet Śląski

Word order tendencies in mediaeval english against the indo-european background

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  • Cechy:
  • Audiobooki
  • Uniwersytet Śląski
  • 9788380126060
  • Ireneusz Kida
  • Uniwersytet Śląski
  • 162
  • 2011

Opis Word order tendencies in mediaeval english against the indo-european background

Tytuł Word order tendencies in mediaeval English against the Indo-European background Autor Ireneusz Kida Język angielski Wydawnictwo Uniwersytet Śląski ISBN 978-83-8012-606-0 kolekcja Prace Naukowe UŚ; Językoznawstwo Neofilologiczne Rok wydania 2011 Katowice Wydanie 1 liczba stron 162 Format pdf Spis treści List of contents Introduction / 7 The aim of the book / 7 The structure of the book / 8 C h a p t e r 1 Forming an annotated corpus 1.1. Outline of word order theories / 13 1.2. Forming our own corpus for the analysis of word order changes / 18 1.2.1. Introduction / 18 1.2.2. Tags used in the corpus / 19 1.2.3. The main clause / 20 1.2.4. The dependent clause / 23 1.2.5. Corpus flexibility: the investigation of parataxis and hypotaxis / 25 1.2.6. Concluding remarks / 36 C h a p t e r 2 Proto-Germanic word order 2.1. Proto-Indo-European and its later developments / 37 2.2. Proto-Germanic word order / 39 2.3. Word order in runic inscriptions / 40 2.4. How much does Old High German tell us about the Proto-Germanic word order? / 53 2.4.1. Introduction / 53 2.4.2. The analysis of Tatian (T1) / 54 2.4.3. The analysis of the Vulgate (L1) for comparison with Tatian (T1) / 56 2.4.4. The analysis of Tatian (T2) for comparison with T1 and L1 / 60 2.5. How much does Gothic tell us about the Proto-Germanic word order? / 61 2.5.1. Introduction / 61 2.5.2. Comparison of the Gothic Bible (Go1) with the Septuagint (Gr1) / 62 2.6. The West-Saxon Bible (WSB1): how much of Englishness? / 69 2.7. The influence of Latin and Greek upon the translations of the Bible into the oldest Germanic dialects / 71 2.8. Proto-Germanic word order according to our analysis / 73 C h a p t e r 3 Old English word order 3.1. Some characteristics of the Old English word order / 79 3.2. The analysis of the Old English Orosius / 83 3.3. The analysis of Ælfric’s Catholic Homilies / 85 3.4. Word order in the Anglo-Saxon chronicle: comparison of the entries pre-1066 of the A-manuscript and the E-manuscript / 88 3.5. The Parker bronicle: the pre-891 and the 891—1066 periods compared / 93 3.6. The Peterborough chronicle: the pre-891 and the 891—1066 periods compared / 97 3.7. Old Norse: how much of Scandinavian influence upon the word order of English? / 102 3.7.1. The socio-linguistic background / 102 3.7.2. The analysis of word order in Heimskringla / 104 C h a p t e r 4 Middle English word order 4.1. Towards the shaping of the Middle English word order / 109 4.2. Word order in the entries 1067—1121 of the Peterborough bronicle / 110 4.3. Word order in the First Continuation of the Peterborough bronicle (entries 1122—1131) / 111 4.4. Word order in the Second Continuation of the Peterborough bronicle (entries 1132—1154) / 114 4.5. The analysis of Juliana / 118 4.6. Introduction to the analysis of Ancrene Wisse / 120 4.6.1. Word order in Ancrene Wisse / 121 4.7. The analysis of the Prose Treatises of Richard Rolle de Hampole / 124 4.8. The analysis of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Astrolabe / 126 4.9. The analysis of the Wycliffe’s Bible (WB1) / 128 4.10. Anglo-Norman: how much of influence upon the English word order? / 130 4.10.1. The socio-linguistic background / 130 4.10.2. Some facts concerning the word order of Anglo-Norman based on the comparison of Foedera and its Latin counterpart / 134 4.10.3. The analysis of word order in Foedera / 136 C h a pt e r 5 The trajectory of word order change in English 5.1. Conclusions / 139 5.2. The locus of VO spread: main vs subordinate clauses / 139 5.3. The diachrony of the development of word order in English: from pre-Proto-Germanic to Late Middle English / 141 Bibliography / 147 References / 147 Sources / 150 Assisting websites / 151 Streszczenie / 153 Résumé / 154

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja Word order tendencies in mediaeval english against the indo-european background
Kategoria Audiobooki
Marka Uniwersytet Śląski
ISBN 9788380126060
Autor Ireneusz Kida
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytet Śląski
Ilość stron 162
Rok wydania 2011
Aktualnych ofert 1
Najniższa cena 13,97 zł
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