Tytuł Linguistica Silesiana, vol. 31 Języki angielski, francuski, niemiecki Wydawnictwo Universitas ISBN 978-83-242-1508-9 Rok wydania 2010 liczba stron 268 Format pdf Spis treści CONTENTS – SOMMAIRE – INHALTSVERZEICHNIS
G. D r o ż d ż: Scope as a cognitive tool in tense analysis
E. B o g d a n o w s k a - J a k u b o w s k a: Party rituals revisited
M.A. S t ę p i e ń: Imágenes mentales y conceptos: su relación
en la fraseología somática hispano-polaca
N. K u d r n á č o v á: On pragmatic and cognitive processes
in meaning variation
M. K u c z o k: Between language and reality: metaphorical and metonymical
conceptualizations of God in the New Testament
P. L i g ę z a: Minimalist accounts of antecedent-contained
deletion constructions
A. K i j a k: Intrusive liquids in English
I. K i d a: The emergence of subordinate clauses in Old English
from paratactically conjoined structures
K. W a r c h a ł: Taking stance across languages: high-value modal verbs
of epistemic necessity and inference in English and Polish linguistics
research articles
J. S t a w n i c k a, A. Ł y d a: Polish achievements with expressions
of duration and their terminal recategorisation
C. J i n g: The analysis of the semantic bias in partially-directed compound
words of Modern Chinese
C. L a c h u r:????????????????????????????????????????????
J. T a r s a: „????????????" –???????????????????????????
P. M a m e t: Changing patterns of Opel branding policy – a linguistic analysis
A. Ł y d a, A. J a c k i e w i c z, K. W a r c h a ł: Agentless structures
in interpreter’s output: Looking into the gender factor
A. W o j t a s z e k: What do we study when we study the use of borrowings
in advertisements?
M. Z a b a w a: The influence of English on the Polish language of Internet
message boards: investigating the role of individual differences and
the context
A. Ś w i ą t e k: Acquisition of English article system by Polish learners
in different proficiency groups
J. L a t k o w s k a: Conceptualization through the lens of language:
Implications for research into Polish-English bilingualism
A. Ś l ę z a k - Ś w i a t, M. S. W y s o c k a: The neural bases
of fossilization
G. D r o ż d ż: Scope as a cognitive tool in tense analysis
E. B o g d a n o w s k a - J a k u b o w s k a: Party rituals revisited
M.A. S t ę p i e ń: Imágenes mentales y conceptos: su relación
en la fraseología somática hispano-polaca
N. K u d r n á č o v á: On pragmatic and cognitive processes
in meaning variation
M. K u c z o k: Between language and reality: metaphorical and metonymical
conceptualizations of God in the New Testament
P. L i g ę z a: Minimalist accounts of antecedent-contained
deletion constructions
A. K i j a k: Intrusive liquids in English
I. K i d a: The emergence of subordinate clauses in Old English
from paratactically conjoined structures
K. W a r c h a ł: Taking stance across languages: high-value modal verbs
of epistemic necessity and inference in English and Polish linguistics
research articles
J. S t a w n i c k a, A. Ł y d a: Polish achievements with expressions
of duration and their terminal recategorisation
C. J i n g: The analysis of the semantic bias in partially-directed compound
words of Modern Chinese
C. L a c h u r:????????????????????????????????????????????
J. T a r s a: „????????????" –???????????????????????????
P. M a m e t: Changing patterns of Opel branding policy – a linguistic analysis
A. Ł y d a, A. J a c k i e w i c z, K. W a r c h a ł: Agentless structures
in interpreter’s output: Looking into the gender factor
A. W o j t a s z e k: What do we study when we study the use of borrowings
in advertisements?
M. Z a b a w a: The influence of English on the Polish language of Internet
message boards: investigating the role of individual differences and
the context
A. Ś w i ą t e k: Acquisition of English article system by Polish learners
in different proficiency groups
J. L a t k o w s k a: Conceptualization through the lens of language:
Implications for research into Polish-English bilingualism
A. Ś l ę z a k - Ś w i a t, M. S. W y s o c k a: The neural bases
of fossilization