The life and work of elders in the light of theories and research studies - taťjana búgelová, lena čupkowá (pdf), 827B0324EB
The life and work of elders in the light of theories and research studies - taťjana búgelová, lena čupkowá (pdf), 827B0324EB
The life and work of elders in the light of theories and research studies - taťjana búgelová, lena čupkowá (pdf), 827B0324EB
Audiobooki Elipsa Dom Wydawniczy

The life and work of elders in the light of theories and research studies - taťjana búgelová, lena čupkowá (pdf), 827B0324EB

12,35 zł

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Przeszukaliśmy wiele e-sklepów w systemie Docero aby wyszukać najlepszą ofertę specjalnie dla Ciebie. The life and work of elders in the light of theories and research studies - taťjana búgelová, lena čupkowá (pdf), 827B0324EB Elipsa Dom Wydawniczy z kategorii audiobooki kupisz w cenie 12,35 zł w sklepie Przedstawiona kwota 12,35 zł nie zawiera ewentualnych kosztów wysyłki.

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  • Cechy:
  • Audiobooki
  • Elipsa Dom Wydawniczy
  • 9788380173064
  • Taťjana Búgelová,Lena čupkowá
  • Elipsa Dom Wydawniczy

Opis The life and work of elders in the light of theories and research studies - taťjana búgelová, lena čupkowá (pdf), 827B0324EB

The issue of elders is a topic which will never become outdated. The approach employed żeby society to the solution of the actual issues of elders is often very diverse and inconsistent. The views of elders held both by younger generations and the elders themselves, whether at home or at work, not forgetting prejudices, myths and stereotypes associated with old age, are surprisingly manifold.The authors strived to find a reply to the question concorning who elders are and to other related questions: How can we adapt to this stage of life? What are the benefits and disadvantages of ageing? What do elders gain and what do they lose? How do they feel, what are they worrying about or what makes them happy? Why is ageism on the increase and what is the cause of it?

Specyfikacja produktu

Specyfikacja The life and work of elders in the light of theories and research studies - taťjana búgelová, lena čupkowá (pdf), 827B0324EB
Kategoria Audiobooki
Marka Elipsa Dom Wydawniczy
ISBN 9788380173064
Autor Taťjana Búgelová,Lena čupkowá
Wydawnictwo Elipsa Dom Wydawniczy
Aktualnych ofert 1
Najniższa cena 12,35 zł
Najwyższa cena 12,35 zł
W bazie od 22.11.2020
Data aktualizacji 20.05.2024
Opinia użytkowników -
Nasza recenzja -
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  • The life and work of elders in the light of theories and research studies - taťjana búgelová, lena čupkowá (pdf), 827B0324EB (idź do

    The life and work of elders in the light of theories and research studies - taťjana búgelová, lena čupkowá (pdf), 827B0324EB Sklep on-line
    12,35 zł
    Kategoria w sklepie Audiobooki Elipsa Dom Wydawniczy

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