Chapter I
Poland's market economy in the interwar period (1918-1939) | str. 11
1. Doctrinal discussions | str. 11
The "third way" | str. 14
Nationalist economic thinking in interwar Poland | str. 28
The "old" generation | str. 28
The "young" generation | str. 31
The "intermediate" economic programme of the National Party | str. 39
Ethics | str. 43
Private property | str. 45
Agriculture | str. 51
Market and money | str. 52
International relations | str. 56
Nationalism | str. 57
Statism and market economy | str. 59
Literature | str. 68
2. Credit institutions in the interwar period | str. 69
The Polish market in the interwar period | str. 87
The Warsaw Stock Exchange | str. 106
The Premium (3%) Investment Loan | str. 111
The Third Series Premium (4%) Dollar Loan | str. 112
The (4%) Consolidation Loan of 1936 | str. 113
The State (5%) Conversion Loan of 1924 | str. 115
The (5%) Conversion Railway Loan of 1926 | str. 115
The Internal (4.5%) State Loan of 1937 | str. 116
Interest-bearing bank securities | str. 117
Interest-bearing securities of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) | str. 117
Interest-bearing securities of Państwowy Bank Rolny | str. 118
Interest-bearing securities of Bank Akceptacyjny S.A. | str. 119
Interest-bearing securities of Polski Bank Komunalny | str. 120
Mortgage bonds | str. 121
Mortgage bonds of land credit societies | str. 122
Long-term credit | str. 130
The state credit market | str. 134
The private market | str. 141
Land credit societies | str. 143
Municipal credit societies, municipal banks and mortgage banks | str. 146
Credit Society of Polish Industry | str. 148
Characteristics of the Polish credit market | str. 153
Pocztowa Kasa Oszczędności | str. 167
State-owned savings institutions on Polish territories before 1919 | str. 168
3. Elimination of the credit market in the Polish People's Republic | str. 172
Sources and literature | str. 185
Chapter II
The second period: system transformation | str. 192
1. Legislative processes of 1989-2001 | str. 193
Law on commercial activity - a historic overview | str. 215
Local government | str. 218
Protection of competition | str. 219
2. Return to a free market economy | str. 220
Afterword | str. 237
Literature | str. 238